Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Crowd Sourcing

Questions to answer on crowdsourcing:
  1. What is Jeff Howe's Definition of Crowd Sourcing?
  2. What does the video believe is the key to successful crowd-sourcing?
  3. Why do "crowds" form on the internet? Are you part of an online crowd- if so which?
  4. What are the crucial terms in Jeff Howes idea of crowd-sourcing? why is this crucial?
  5. Name two reasons why this type of crowd-sourcing is now possible?
  6. how effective do you believe it to be?
  7. What do you think is the motivation behind it?
  8. Name three advantages and disadvantages of a crowd sourcing?
  1. Jeff Howe's definition of Crowd Sourcing: Crowd Sourcing is when a company takes a job that was once performed by employees and outsources it in the form of an open call to a large, undefinied group of people, generally using the Internet. The Crucial Terms of Crowd Sourcing is Open Call and Undefined, and they both give the same idea that the person you think will be the most qualified for the job actually isn't always the best person for it. A current example of Crowd Sourcing is the Ford Focus advert for a new car where the public/crowd filmed themselves using Ford cars and then the film makers at Ford picked and edited the best footage to advertise Ford. It was an advert made by the people.
To bw finished...

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