Monday, 18 March 2013

AS Portfolio: Prelim and Music Magazine Comparison

School Newsletter

This is my prelim task which I have created for my AS portfolio. It is a school newsletter and as you can see it is very basic and unappealing. The colour scheme I have used is all wrong as some of the puffs//pugs colour conflicts with the image and surrounding features of this cover. I created this using Microsoft Publisher which has very little in creating a proffessional newsletter. It uses basic text which only has the ability to change its colour and font size which makes the overall look very unattractive. Next the image, because i was only using a basic program i could only add lighting effects to the image. But once i done this the image also conflicts with the colour scheme which makes this newsletter dull, unattractive and unprofessional. Even though there are bad features to this there are still some good features about this. For instance the positioning of the newsletters features. I have used a masthead in the correct position, dateline, main headline, puff//pug and a support story reguarding information within the newsletter.

My music magazine front cover

This is my music magazine cover which i have also created for my AS portfolio. But as you can see this has a more appealing and professional look to it. In my AS portfolio i have developed my skills and learned how to use a more advanced programme in order to create a more professional magazine cover which is more eye catching to the audience. The programme i have used is Adobe Photoshop which has allowed me to manipulate text and images in order to make this a professional media piece. Comparing this with my newsletter you can see the difference at just a glance and that is to do with the program i used to create this. For my mag cover i researched existing music magazine covers which allowed me to follow stick to and apply the codes and conventions of a music magazine front cover. My aim was to make this as appealing as possible so that it would be noticed at a glance. Photoshop has allowed me to make a more proffessional magazine cover and used a variety of fonts to make it comply with the codes and conventions of a msuic magazine front cover.

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